- The editor has read over the manuscript. 编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。
- The editor over looked a print error. 这位编辑漏掉了一个印刷错误。
- The editor remarked that article was well written. 编者评论说那篇文章写得很好。
- The editor struck out the whole paragraph. 编辑把整段全删掉了。
- The editor of the newspaper is a smart young man. 这份报纸的编辑是一个聪慧的年轻人。
- We were entertained at the editor's expense. 由编辑付钱招待我们。
- The editor agreed to reprint your article in the next issue. 编辑同意将你的文章重刊在下一期上。
- The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning. 编辑煞费苦心地修改稿件,一直干到清晨。
- The editor laboured over the manuscript till midnight. 编辑辛辛苦苦地修改手稿直到午夜。
- The editor often gives some opinion on topical issues. 这个编辑常对一些时事问题发表意见。
- The editor put the last hand to his work. 编辑对自己的作品进行了最后的润色。
- A doctor' s work is very satisfying. 当个医生是很令人满意的。
- It' s unfair to devalue anyone' s work unjustly. 不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。
- The editor deleted the last paragraph (from the article). 编辑删除了(文章的)最後一段。
- After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . 一天劳累的工作之后,放松一下很有好处。
- The editor got his claws into the opposition in a vicious editorial. 那个编辑在一篇社论中恶毒地攻击了反对派。
- He' s always missing when there' s work to be done. 一到干活儿的时候; 他就不见了.
- It' s a bad habit to leave one' s work half done. 工作做了一半就丢开,是个坏习惯。
- The editor killed that important word. 编辑把那个重要的字给删去了。
- Subtitle I want Marketing to see X's work. (字幕)我还想看X的作品。